GURPS World of Darkness, Revised
This page assumes you (the reader) have a working knowledge of White Wolf Games' World of Darkness setting, and/or the GURPS interpretation. A majority of these rules were designed for GURPS 3e, and may require some modification for 4e. Some parts are less than complete, and will be updated as I need them (or readers/visitors bug me to fix it)-so don't hold your breath.
Humanity and Alignment
All supernatural creatures are affected by Humanity ( VTM), in some form or another, representing their
“connection to humanity” in general (and not necessarily the absence of “good”). Vampires and Lycanthropes degenerate toward a more bestial state, while Magi and Immortals degenerate toward Hubris or detachment (this basically only affects the
“style” of degeneration; the ultimate effects remain the same).
I suggest using the Humanity score, as detailed in GURPS:VTM (pg 75-76) as a basis, in which case a single Humanity point above/below the
baseline is worth ±5 CP; actual Traits associated with Humanity are “abstracted” for this purpose. Alternatively, a Character's Humanity level can be defined by the ratio of good/lawful to evil/chaotic Traits. In this case, Evil/chaotic Trait points (assume Disadvantages are
“positive” for these purposes) are subtracted from good/lawful; the more degenerate a character is, the more negative the total will be. Initial Humanity level starts at a base of 12, and should be adjusted as agreed upon between Player and GM (to avoid abuse) based on the Character's Traits. The resulting Humanity score is used to govern several factors in
VTM, such as Torpor or Frenzy, and therefore needs to be tracked. As it stands, Humanity can be used with
WTA in a similar manner to VTM (specifically, with regard to Frenzy), but
MTA/CTD/HTG do not have a specific effect associated with it, as yet (I'll figure something out eventually).
Any time the GM determines the Character has acted “uncharacteristically,” against his Humanity/Alignment (even if well-intentioned), a
Humanity (or alternatively, Will, @GMD) check is required, based on the current
“score,” at -1 per repeated infraction. The GM may assess other modifiers based on the situation as he sees fit (i.e. increased penalty if the action is really uncharacteristic (e.g., stealing from a blind man), or lessened if the action is somehow excusable or accidental (e.g., killing a serial-killer)). Failure means the Character loses one Humanity point (or using the Alternative, either gains 5CP worth of Evil/Chaotic Traits, or loses 5CP worth of Good/Lawful Traits (the Character should not gain CP value, unless the GM decides to
“reward” good role-playing)). Once the Humanity (or equivalent Trait levels) drops to 3 or less, the character is considered
“lost”, as per VTM; see the following examples. If using D&D Alignments, the Character's Alignment will shift, as Humanity is raised or lowered, in a direction indicated by the arrows (refer to the following graphic; actual direction can be determined randomly or at GM/Player's discretion, if multiple paths are indicated).
- Good Traits:
- Cannot Harm Innocents; Charitable; Code of Honor*; Disciplines of Faith*; Honesty; Pacifism; Responsive; Selfless; Sense of Duty
- Lawful Traits:
- Careful; Chauvinistic; Curious; Dull; Extreme Fanaticism; Fanaticism; Hidebound; Obdurate; Staid; Stubbornness; Truthfulness; Vow
- Chaotic Traits:
- Broad-Minded; Distractible; Imaginative; Impulsiveness; On the Edge; Pyromania**; Trickster; Undiscriminating
- Evil Traits:
- Bad Temper; Berserk; Bloodlust; Bully; Callous; Cowardice; Glory Hound; Gluttony; Greed; Intolerance; Jealousy; Kleptomania**; Laziness; Lecherousness; Megalomania**; Miserliness; Proud; Sadism; Self-Centered; Selfish; Solipsistic
- * Alignment may depend on the specifics.
** Alignment for all manias, phobias, compulsions, etc.
will depend on the specifics.
Vampire: The Masquerade
A great deal of inspiration for this revision comes from the GURPS Vampire: Optional Rule Changes, Copyright (c) 1996 by Michael Soulier, available at My thanks to him for his excellent work.
- Explanation:
- Vampirism is a malicious sentient alien virus that fell to earth in prehistoric times, lying dormant until proper conditions present themselves, requiring an appropriately depraved or willing host. Once entered, the virus begins to modify the host's genetic structure. The virus does not assume full control until the host's death (or when introduced to a newly dead host), at which point the host's mind is purged, unless the host was particularly willful or a
“deal” is struck. Modification is affected by the host, conforming somewhat to its mental
“preference.” The virus then begins the process of reproduction, spreading itself to other hosts. The reproductive process
conforms to its originator, and tends to dilute the potency of the strain. It requires blood to maintain its presence, and can
“burn” blood to produce certain effects.
- Becoming:
- Living host drinks infected blood, becomes ghoul (a la half-stage in Lost Boys). Ghoul dies, or dying human given infected blood becomes vampire (too soon, becomes ghoul; too late, no effect). WL check per hour after drinking/dying; 3 Succ in a row or cSucc keeps personality and ends checks; 3 Fail in a row changes personality somewhat and ends checks; cFail expunges the old personality and ends checks; each Succ grants WL+1, each Fail grants WL-1, True Faith grants WL+6, or WL+4 if the character's personality tends to agree with the virus (i.e. EvilT people).
- Ghouls/Daywalkers:
- The virus is capable of modifying living cells, and will do so to protect itself, but it cannot reproduce, requiring periodic reinforcement so long as the host lives. It still uses blood to fuel its processes, but will keep enough blood to keep the host alive if it serves its purpose. In this state, the virus has the ability to
“hide” from UV exposure by going dormant, as it does in full vampires when blood supply runs out. Since the host lives, however, it does not go into torpor but rather its abilities are
“turned off.” The host also has a
greater degree of control over the virus in this state, and may be able to resist its urgings. Daywalkers' virus has adapted to the living host, and merely weakens somewhat in the presence of UV radiation, and requires blood only to fuel effects when supply is low. Ghouls and Daywalkers are subject to only one Ban, determined at creation per clan, and are usually all the same within the clan. Daywalkers and Ghouls are treated as being [2] Generations higher than their
“actual” Generation in regard to Blood Pool and BP/M, due to less efficient blood distribution (due to them still being alive).
- Cures:
- No mystical cure except true faith; age rapidly to catch up when cured (Ref: Forever Young, 1yr/day?), and may die, requiring resurrection, if the ex-vampire is too old. Theoretically, the virus could be burned out if there were a way to keep the body from burning up with it.
- Diablerie:
- Gives 5% vanquishee's CP level, that may only be spent on items on vanquishee's Character Sheet.
- Other Systems:
- A vampire loses a point of Humanity (or Trait equivalent) each time he succumbs to Frenzy.
- Automatically considered blood-bound to sire, although to a lesser extent, as the virus retains a measure of control over itself.
- Bans can be overcome, temporarily?
- Obfuscate powers do not work in mirrors or on machines unless specifically targeted to do so.
- Vampires' movement is “a little odd” (like the Gentlemen, Ref: BtVS), and is recognizable by those in-the-know, but can be disguised (part of the Masquerade skill).
- Frenzy is when the virus takes direct control for a short time, for self-defense purposes. Vampires who have retained their former psyche have a bonus to resist Frenzy?
- Tremere come from Sorcerors, as opposed to Magi
- Nosferatu include some elements of the Toreador, in specific, their obsession with art and beauty
- Although the Draining compensates for normal decomposition, it isn't perfect, and the vampire ends up looking rather corpse-like. This can be negated by burning blood-points, but is generally temporary. Running around looking like a corpse, in vampire society, is treated like running around naked.
- Malkavians are a special case. The host's degree of control determines their level of
“sanity” as a vampire (which is typically not much). Mostly, they are little more than malicious monsters, in a near-constant state of Frenzy. These account for most ot the
“movie” vampires.
- Vampire blood looks “dirty” and darker than human.
- If a vampire “army” is required, it is generally made up of a great number of high-Generation spawn (Mooks), as any sensible vampire will not have a large number of minions that could easily overtake him.
- Burning Blood Points can be “smelled” by other vampires (through the Discriminatory Smell (Blood)
- Vampires die in multiple ways (Ref: Lost Boys), depending on how much
“juice” it has left at the time, as the virus attempts to get back at whoever killed its host. UOS, roll 3d6 per vampire death, modified @GMD according to vampire's power level (i.e. Generation), blood pool remaining, means of death, Disciplines possessed/in-use, etc. All cases are followed by rapid decomposition, completely destroying the body. Ghouls shrivel up a bit, and rapidly decompose if past their natural life spans. Intensity increases
or decreases with Generation; high-Generation “Mooks” death-effects will be little more than annoyances (and show little, if any, variation), while low-Generation death-effects can be very dangerous (Ref: Highlander).
3 = Explode in harmless chunks
4 = Shower of burning ash (Ref: BtVS/Blade)
5 = Burned from inside, then explode (flash-bang) (Ref: UV)
6 = Spraying blood
7 = Crumbling husk (Ref: emperor, DkCrystal)
8 = Immolation
9 = Rapid decomposition (Ref: Dorian Grey, LXG)
10 = Melting (Ref: end of RotLA)
11 = Crumbling stone
12 = Shrieking (Ref: Nazghûl, LotR)
13 = Environmental destruction (Ref: Highlander)
14 = Energy explosion, vaporizing corpse (weak concussion grenade) (Ref: Sith, SW)
15 = Burns up, w/ noxious cloud
16 = Dissolves, skin-first, fighting all the way
17 = Violent convulsion (Ref: “Daryl Hannah,” BladeRunner)
18 = Combination
- Vampire Templates, Revised (3e):
Vampire (DRL) | +250pts |
Daywalker (DRL) | +275pts |
Bite | +30 (CI50) |
Bite | +30 (CI50) |
Blood Healing (req Blood Pool) | +25 (VTM58) |
Blood Healing (req Blood Pool) | +25 (VTM58) |
Enhance Attribute (req Blood Pool) | +40 (New) |
Enhance Attribute (req Blood Pool) | +40 (New) |
Discriminatory Smell (blood only) | +5 (CI52) |
Discriminatory Smell (blood only) | +5 (CI52) |
Doesn't Breathe | +30 (VTM59) |
Immunity to Disease | +10 (B20) |
Doesn't Fatigue | +20 (New) |
Immunity to Poison | +15 (CI58) |
Immunity to Disease | +10 (B20) |
Power Pool (Blood, 10 pts @1/Turn) | +20 (New) |
Immunity to Poison | +15 (CI58) |
Recovery | +10 (CIXX) |
Injury Tolerance: Doesn't Bleed | +5 (CI58) |
Unaging | +15 (CI69) |
Injury Tolerance: No Cut/Imp Bonus | +30 (CI58) |
Vampiric Invulnerability | +150 (CI70) |
Injury Tolerance: No Vitals | +5 (CI58) |
Berserk | -15 (VTM78) |
Power Pool (Blood, 10 pts @1/Turn) | +20 (New) |
Bloodthirst | -15 (CI96) |
Unaging | +15 (CI69) |
Deadly Secret | -20 (CI78) |
Vampiric Invulnerability | +150 (CI70) |
Killjoy, Limited | -10 (CI91) |
Appearance: Horrific (Negateable) | -15 (CI80) |
Berserk | -15 (VTM78) |
Bloodthirst | -15 (CI96) |
The Draining | -10 (VTM63) |
Deadly Secret | -20 (CI78) |
Frightens Animals | -5 (CI97) |
Infectious Attack | -5 (CI97) |
Killjoy, Limited | -10 (CI91) |
No Body Heat (Negateable) | -1 (CI91) |
Sundeath | -40 (VTM64) |
Unhealing | -20 (VTM64) |
Vulnerability: Staking | -10 (New) |
- Generation Table, Revised:
Generation | Blood Points | BP per Turn | Attribute Max | CP Cost |
13th | 10 | 1 | 20 | 0 |
12th | 11 | 1 | 20 | 5 |
11th | 12 | 1 | 20 | 10 |
10th | 13 | 1 | 20 | 20 |
9th | 14 | 2 | 20 | 40 |
8th | 15 | 3 | 20 | 80 |
7th | 20 | 4 | 21 | 160 |
6th | 30 | 6 | 22 | 240 |
5th | 40 | 8 | 23 | 320 |
4th | 50 | 10 | 25 | 400 |
- Bans:
- Each vampire is affected by three Bans, by Clan. If a vampire drinks blood of a vampire from another Clan, there is a chance of him developing one or more of that Clan's Bans (specifically, any time a non-Clan Discipline is learned).
- Cast No Reflection, -10 (VC20)
- No Shadow, -10 (CI103)
- True Reflection, -5 (New)
- Repelled By Garlic, -5 (VC23)
- Vulnerability: Silver, -10 (VC23)
- Dread: Jewish Trappings, -15 (New)
- Dread: Christian Trappings, -15 (New)
- Can't Sleep, ? (New)
- Can't Cross Running Water, -15 (VC19)
- Can't Fully Disguise Appearance, -10 (New)
- Lifebane (Taint of Corruption), -5 (VC23)
- Compulsive Behavior: Coffins, ?
- Compulsive Behavior: Invitation, ?
- Compulsive Behavior: Home Soil, ?
- Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder, ?
- Vampire Clans, Revised:
- Clans exist IAW VTM except the following: Toreador, Assamite, Giovanni, Salubri, Anarchs, Sabbat. Sabbat-exclusive clans exist as Camarilla. A vampire's clan is determined as per VTM, each with its own originator (only one is descended from Caine).
- Ventrue:
- Originator: Lilith (the Seducer)
Disciplines: Dominate; Melpominee; Presence Bans: Christ, Jewish Notes: Oldest, in charge (usually)
- Brujah:
- Originator: Cain (the Kinslayer)
Disciplines: Presence; Protean Bans: Christ, Jewish, NoRef Notes: 2d Oldest, fights for control w/ Ventrue, most numerous
- Setites*:
- Originator: Sekhmet (the Serpent)
Bans: Disciplines: Presence; Obfuscate; Serpentis Notes: Egyptian-descent
- Malkavian:
- Originator: Judas (the Betrayer)
Disciplines: Dementation; Dominate; Obfuscate Bans: NoRef, Christ, Silver
- Gaki*:
- Bans: NoSleep, OCD
Originator: ? (?, the East) Disciplines: Protean; Rift Notes: Oriental-descent
- Nosferatu:
- Originator: Baba Yaga (the Hag)
Disciplines: Obfuscate; Protean Bans: Taint, TrueRef, Coffin Notes: Fugly |
- Cappadocian:
- Originator: Sava Savanovic (the Necromancer
Disciplines: Necromancy Bans: ? Notes:
- Gangrel:
- Originator: ? (the Gypsies)
Disciplines: Animalism; Protean (Wolf) Bans: Water, Garlic Notes: Gypsy-descent
- Lasombra:
- Originator: (the Shadow)
Disciplines: Dominate; Obtenebration Bans: Shadow, NoRef Notes:
Mediterranean descent, red-haired
- Tremere:
- Originator: Sorcerors (the Cabal)
Disciplines: Dominate; Thaumaturgy Bans: Invite Notes:
- Tzimisce:
- Originator: Dracula (the Dragon)
Disciplines: Animalism; Chimerstry Bans: Stake, Coffin Notes: Slavic-descent
* Non-Camarilla Clan |
- Disciplines, Revised:
- All Augmenting Disciplines, Auspex and Flight are available to all Clans. Also, a vampire purchases any Discipline possessed by his immediate Sire or another vampire that he is Blood-bound to (or has drunk enough that he should be), at no cost penalty. Otherwise, Disciplines cost double and require a single (at least) Blood Point from a vampire that possesses the Discipline (voluntarily or otherwise). Disciplines have no separate Skill associated with them; instead, when required, use a check of 12, +2 per Discipline Level possessed above the one being used. For Non-Augmenting Disciplines, use this revised cost table:
CP Cost |
CP Cost |
Level 1 |
15 |
Level 6 |
100 |
- For Celerity: use Altered Time Rate (physical actions only, cost 1BP per 3sec (or fraction) of use).
- For Potence: use Natural Strength, purchased as normal.
- For Fortitude: use DR, purchased as normal; also works vs. Sundeath.
Level 2 |
30 |
Level 7 |
125 |
Level 3 |
45 |
Level 8 |
150 |
Level 4 |
60 |
Level 9 |
175 |
Level 5 |
75 |
Level 10 |
200 |
- New Discipline: Flight:
- Nearly all cinematic vampires can fly, so I added this Discipline into my version of things. I have yet to come up with any spiffy WoD names for any of these, nor have I figured out what some of the higher-level powers should be. The existing stuff is based on
GURPS spells in GURPS:Magic (3e).
Level 1 | Jump/Slow-Fall | Level 6 | ? |
Level 2 | Wallwalking | Level 7 | Group Flight |
Level 3 | Levitation | Level 8 | ? |
Level 4 | Flight | Level 9 | ? |
Level 5 | Hawk Flight | Level 10 | Teleportation |
Werewolf: The Apocalypse
- Explanation:
- Lycanthropy is a hereditary trait similar to cancer, and is the result of prehistoric Precursor transgenics experimentation to make the human race more
“survivable,” in the days when the “natural” threat was much greater. The wolf-hybrids were the most successful strain (as other types tended to be too tied to their immediate environment), and the infection-disease was introduced to spread the strain more widely, allowing the subject to actually transmit the
“cancer” when introduced (generally, through saliva) to an open wound. But flaws in the experiment, such as the tendency toward violence and cannibalism (Rage/Bloodlust), would prevent the human race as a whole from being altered, as
subjects tended to die by violence before passing on their genes in any great amount and prospective host-populations tended to rise up and eventually
overpower their relatively small numbers. Hereditary spreading of the genes was limited, since the
“disease” as a whole had a tendency to be very restrictive about how it was passed on (in some cases requiring
“incest” to fully pass on the genes). The experimenters eventually moved on to other more reliable methods of genetic improvement, and the test subjects were left to their own devices.
- Infection:
- Rage levels +“delivery” type determine chance of infection? Werewolves are always infectious, other weres are rarely infectious (once in a millennium rare), and usually the result of some form of exposure to werewolves (through unprotected sex?) (the Infectious Attack advantage may be purchased by non-wolf weres @GMD).
- Heredity:
- Children of were +were are always were, children of were +other is sometimes were, may skip generations. Interspecies hybrids don't exist, but intra-species hybrids do, on occasion.
- Bloodlust (Murder Addiction):
- Only predatory weres are affected by Bloodlust. At the end of each lunar cycle (moon phase per individual), if the Were has not killed, in
cold blood (Ref: Murder Addiction), he begins to suffer from withdrawal. A Bloodlust check must be made each night (typically when the moon is first
sighted) as per Rage, and any time Rage is increased through some other occurrence. If any check succeeds, a WL check must be made (the Change Control Skill grants a +1WL for Bloodlust purposes at 10+, and +2WL at 20+), or the character must immediately transform into Crinos and enter Frenzy, as per
WTA p73. This Frenzy may only be ended by “shedding the blood of the innocent” (actually just killing something in cold blood, as per Murder Addiction). The type of creature killed affects amount of rage diminished, as well as how, and how often they are killed. Humans are at the top of the chain. Generally speaking, if you kill a dog, eventually you'll have to kill a bear; if you kill a bear, eventually you'll have to kill a human; if you kill a human, eventually you'll have to kill two, ad infinitum. Bare hands are better than melee weapons, which
are better than guns, etc. Actual details are left to GMs discretion. Born Weres may revert to their natural form after the usual Frenzy is ended, as per the normal Frenzy rules. Made weres may only revert back to their natural form by
“losing the wolf,” or by “sleeping it off” if no victim can be found (basically burning off the built-up Rage).
- Breeds:
- Three types: Made, Born human, and Born wolf. Metis does not exist. Lupus
(Born Wolf) is rare, bestial and presentient, and tend to be treated like highly intelligent pets
in Lycan society.
- Auspice:
- Auspice for made weres is based on the phase under which they were made.
- Cures:
- Infected weres may be “cured,” but leaves them a mental basket case; True Faith or Cure Disease (at heavy penalties) will do it. Hereditary weres cannot be cured by anything short of powerful Life
Magick (or maybe advanced gene-therapy).
- Tribes:
- Tribes operate more like street gangs. Children of Gaia and Silent Striders do not exist. Bone Gnawers do not exist as a Tribe, but is a term referring to
“street wolves.” “Stargazer” refers to mystics of any tribe (usually Shadow Lords). Black Furies are not exclusively female. Red Talons are not exclusively Lupus. Uktena is folded into Wendigo. Certain Tribes perform certain functions for the collective, and act to support that function: Red Talons=vamp hunters, Shadow Lords = mystics, Black Furies = security/enforcement, Silver Fangs = management, Glass Walkers = tech, Fianna = info/comm, Get of Fenris = offense,
Wendigo = defense
- Gnosis:
- Use Fatigue in place of Gnosis expenditures.
- Gifts:
- Available powers are @GMD, and may be acquired in any order but will strictly fall along Tribal cross-Tribal Powers. Use nearest GURPS equivalent Power or Spell.
- Born vs. Made:
- Made weres are treated with less status than born weres (Ref: vamps-Blade). Born weres tend to be in charge, and tend to be more powerful, especially as they get older.
- Life Span:
- Made-weres have a lifespan that has been documented to be around 200yrs. Born weres appear to be
“nigh immortal,” and have been known to live more than a thousand years. Of course, it's impossible to tell exactly to what extent their life spans are extended since no were has ever been known to have died in his bed, of old age. Lupus weres tend to have somewhat shorter life spans than Homid. They all still age, but not nearly as rapidly, getting more tough and leathery as they do-the older they get, the more they look the part.
- Society:
- Packs tend to be tribe-exclusive, although some mixed-tribe packs do exist. They all tend to behave very wolf-like (imagine that): pack mentality and tactics, extremely territorial, Alpha/Beta/Omega.
- Old, sick or severely wounded tend to be killed or left to die.
- Overall, they have gotten away from cannibalism over the centuries, and now generally look down upon man-eaters, more so in some tribes than others. Only the Black Spirals are unrepentant cannibals, and those that practice cannibalism are often accused of being Black Spirals.
- Society is run like the Fremen (Ref: Dune). Packs live separately, in hiding from humans and vampires alike, and primarily want to be left alone. The country is their turf, and vamps know it.
- They are very violent, by nature, and fight amongst themselves constantly-deaths are not uncommon or unexpected. When a wolf is taken by his Bloodlust, but the pack is attempting to remain hidden, they will often fight each other to take care of the
“need,” attempting to cause the aggressor to lose the wolf.
- The Mark:
- All lycans have a mark on their palm that is only visible in the moonlight (Ref: zombie-effect, PotC). The wolves' mark is such that it could easily be mistaken for a
- Black Spirals (DRL):
- The result of a Lycan “looking into the Abyss” (Ref: EvHorizon), basically becoming a sort of were-hellhound. In addition to the standard Werewolf package, the Black Spiral will also possess Powers/mutations similar to the Fomor (per WTA).
- Abominations (DRL):
- By definition, a vampiric werewolf. Creation of an Abomination is extremely difficult, and rare, and almost always required some sort of Hellmouth exposure. The
“infectious attack” employed by a vampire bite on a were (or vice versa) is usually lethal, as the two strains of virus attempt to destroy each other. The blood of an abomination is poisonous to any living creature, and vampires, and will kill instantly (except in special cases). This prevents being blood-bonded to an Abomination. An Abomination is able to learn lycan Powers as well as vampiric Disciplines in the usual manner. An Abomination starts with a base Blood Pool of 25, rather than 10. Pretty much the meanest
“supernatural” creature in WoD.
- Werewolf Templates, Revised (3e):
Werewolf (DRL) | +315/+290pts |
Abomination (DRL) | +550pts |
Combat Reflexes | +15 (B20) |
Bite | +30 (CI50) |
Discriminatory Smell | +15 (CI52) |
Blood Healing (req Blood Pool) | +25 (VTM58) |
Enhance Attribute (req Rage Pool) | +40 (New) |
Combat Reflexes | +15 (B20) |
Extended Lifespan x2 (Made only) | +5 (CI54) |
Discriminatory Smell | +15 (CI52) |
Extra Actions (req Rage, 1/4 DX Max) | +60 (New) |
Doesn't Breathe | +30 (VTM59) |
Instant Regeneration (not Agg) | +75 (CI64) |
Doesn't Fatigue | +20 (New) |
Lunar Influence | +5 (CI39) |
Enhance Attribute (req Blood Pool) | +40 (New) |
Power Pool (Rage; 10, no limit) | +30 (New) |
Enhance Attribute (req Rage Pool) | +40 (New) |
Remain Conscious (req Rage Pool) | +10 (New) |
Extra Actions (req Rage, 1/4 DX Max) | +60 (New) |
Silver Sense | +5 (WTA58) |
Immunity to Disease | +10 (B20) |
Step Sideways | +60 (WTA58) |
Immunity to Poison | +15 (CI58) |
Supercharge Regeneration (req Rage) | +15 (New) |
Injury Tolerance: Doesn't Bleed | +5 (CI58) |
Ultrahearing | +5 (CI69) |
Injury Tolerance: No Cut/Imp Bonus | +30 (CI58) |
Unaging (Born only) | +15 (CI69) |
Injury Tolerance: No Vitals | +5 (CI58) |
Were Form | +50 (WTA60) |
Instant Regeneration (not Agg) | +75 (CI64) |
Berserk | -15 (B31) |
Lunar Influence | +5 (CI39) |
Deadly Secret | -20 (CI78) |
Power Pool (Blood, 10 pts @1/Turn) | +20 (New) |
Frightens Animals | -5 (CI97) |
Power Pool (Rage; 10, no limit) | +30 (New) |
Infectious Attack | -5 (CI97) |
Silver Sense | +5 (WTA58) |
Lunacy | -10 (CI92) |
Step Sideways | +60 (WTA58) |
Murder Addiction (Special; Monthly) | -40 (CI98) |
Supercharge Regeneration (req Rage) | +15 (New) |
Untrained ShapeChanging (Made only) | -15 (CI100) |
Ultrahearing | +5 (CI69) |
Vulnerability: Silver (1d Agg, all forms) | -10 (CI105) |
Unaging | +15 (CI69) |
| |
Vampiric Invulnerability | +150 (CI70) |
Were Form | +50 (WTA60) |
Appearance: Horrific (Negateable) | -15 (CI80) |
Berserk | -15 (VTM78) |
Bloodthirst | -15 (CI96) |
The Draining | -10 (VTM63) |
Deadly Secret | -20 (CI78) |
Frightens Animals | -5 (CI97) |
Infectious Attack | -5 (CI97) |
Killjoy, Limited | -10 (CI91) |
Lunacy | -10 (CI92) |
Murder Addiction (Special; Monthly) | -40 (CI98) |
No Body Heat (Negateable) | -1 (CI99) |
Sundeath | -40 (VTM64) |
Unhealing | -20 (VTM64) |
Vulnerability: Silver (1d Agg, all forms) | -10 (CI105) |
Vulnerability: Staking | -10 (New) |
Mage: The Ascension
The Daniverse assumes the use of GURPS:Mage:The Ascension, 2nd Edition by Michael Bowman (available at, whom I thank for his excellent work.
- Mechanics
- Spheres “roll-over” after level 5 (i.e. Sphere level 6 upgrades level 1 to the higher ability). All feat difficulty penalties for a given
“scale” are halved for each roll-over (current “scale” feat difficulties remain the same); a
“double-master” in a Sphere could cause continental changes, triple = global, quadruple = stellar, pentuple = interstellar; these higher levels must generally be self-taught (and therefore, take even longer to learn). Effects may be cast without Paradox at 2x penalties, only after 6th Sphere level (the first roll-over).
- Nephandi = Magi who have gazed into the Chaos Dimension and have been corrupted by it.
- Marauders = Magi who have gone insane for one reason or another.
- Celestials resemble Bene Jezerets (Ref: Dune)
- Enlightened = Illuminated.
- The Veil/Delirium = The Sunnydale Effect; affects all “races” or occurrences to some extent, in addition to Were-creatures.
- The Curtain/Consensus = The Matrix.
- Paradox flaws chosen by the player may be repeated if it makes sense.
- Coincidence is the result of how others see an event, and may therefore be repeated without penalty, if it makes sense.
- HIT Marks = Terminators.
- Technocracy or Traditions : neither really a “good guy” or “bad guy” (Ref: Shadows/Vorlons in B5).
- To differentiate, all effects using Spheres are referred to as True Magick. All mystical/magical effects not using Spheres are referred to as Lesser Magic. Standard “Magic Resistance” refers to Lesser Magic (all forms), and has no effect on True Magick.
- Spheres, Revised:
Normal | CP Cost |
Regional | CP Cost |
Global | CP Cost |
Stellar | CP Cost |
Level 1 | 30 |
Level 6 | 200 |
Level 11 | 600 |
Level 16 | 1750 |
Level 2 | 60 |
Level 7 | 250 |
Level 12 | 750 |
Level 17 | 2000 |
Level 3 | 90 |
Level 8 | 300 |
Level 13 | 1000 |
Level 18 | 2500 |
Level 4 | 120 |
Level 9 | 400 |
Level 14 | 1250 |
Level 19 | 3500 |
Level 5 | 150 |
Level 10 | 500 |
Level 15 | 1500 |
Level 20 | 5000 |
- Side-effects of the Spheres are not required to be purchased as Advantages/Powers, but are assumed as part of the Sphere package.
Wraith: The Oblivion
I have had the least contact with this book in the WoD series, and as such have not really incorporated it into the Daniverse. However, there is a hard-to-find sourcebook for WTO called The Risen, which deals with situations like The Crow, which has been incorporated into the Daniverse, to the extent that it can be (as I have not been able to acquire the sourcebook itself, as yet).
Changeling: The Dreaming
I really haven't incorporated a lot of this one. I have slightly “modernized” the feel of it, though, giving it more of a Labyrinth flavor, while incorporating elements from GURPS Celtic Myth to make the Fée more “historical.” All in all, I would say CTD has had more of an effect on other elements of the Daniverse (specifically, the fantasy stuff) than the Daniverse has had on it.
- Fée exist in some form or another, but because of the belief of the Sleepers (the Consensus), they find it difficult to leave the Otherworld.
- “Faerie Ban” (against directly killing mortals) is in force
Hunter: The Reckoning
I have had some limited experience with this setting, so it's not been incorporated fully. Given my uderstanding of it, however, I am assuming, as part of the Daniverse, that the “Slayers” ( BtVS) would fall into the category of Imbued.
- Known Hellmouths (Ref: BtVS): Sunnydale, CA; Area 51/Groom Lake, NV (New); Apocalypse, NM; Cleveland, OH; Amityville, NY; Cardiff, Wales, UK; network of Hellmouths in the Carpathian Mountains, referred to as the Carpathian Hub.
Demon: The Fallen
This book came out shortly before the reboot, and is (to me, at least) an after-thought. I haven't even really looked into it, but I can assume that it might explain some of the BtVS events and characters.
Highlander: The Gathering
This section is based on the unofficial Highlander:The Gathering, © 1994 by Hank Driskill & John Gavigan (whom I thank for their excellent work), and assumes you have access to that material.
Racial Template: Immortal (DRL)
210 points
You are Immortal. You have inside you blood of kings. You have no rival. No man can be your equal. ;)
Unaging [15] (B95);
Immunity to Sickness [15] (B81);
Unkillable 3 (Achilles' Heel: Decapitation, -30%); [105] (B95);
Regeneration (Fast; Except Aggravated Damage, -20%) [40] (B80);
Recovery [10] (B80);
Detect (Quickening; Vague, -50%; Notes: Target's QL=Size Mod; also detects ”Holy Ground”) [3] (B48);
Sphere Resistance (Life; Notes: minimum of QL x2) [6];
Sphere Resistance (Prime; Notes: minimum of QL x2) [6];
Quickening Level 1 [10] (see below).
Features: Sterile (B261).
Some common Traits, not part of the template, but will likely be possessed:
- Racial Memory (Active; own life-experience) [+10] (B78)
Note: Appropriate for really old Immortals, to remember long-past details
- Secret (is Immortal; possible exile/prison) [-20] (B152)
- Code of Honor (Immortals) [-5] (B127)
- Signature Gear (Sword) [variable] (B85)
New Advantage:
Magick Resistance
5 pts/Level
The Magick Resistance Level of the target of a Magickal effect is subtracted from the Caster's checks to manipulate that effect.
New Advantage:
Sphere Resistance
3 pts/Level
The Sphere Resistance Level of the target of a Magickal effect is subtracted from the Caster's checks to manipulate that effect. Affects uses of the indicated Sphere, as well as combined effects including that Sphere.
New Advantage:
Quickening Character Points
0 pts/Level
Placeholder Trait to store the running QCP total, for the purpose of computing the current Quickening Level; primarily for GCA users.
New Advantage:
Quickening Enhancement (Trait)
0 pts
Changes to a character's pre-existing Traits presents a small logistics problem in recording those changes. For instance, when a Disadvantage is modified or negated, if you only remove those points from the character's record, there normally would be no indication that any modification had been made, and if you were to audit the character's record later, there would appear to be a discrepancy. This is a placeholder Trait to record the number of QCPs spent when a Trait has been modified, bought-off, etc.
Sources: Quickening.
Focus: Melee combat, self-empowerment.
Quickening Talent
Applies to all Quickening Abilities.
Quickening Abilities
Altered Time Rate (B38);
Catfall (B41);
Channeling (Beasts) (B41);
Damage Resistance (B46);
Danger Sense (B47);
Detect (Quickening) (improved) (B48);
Discriminatory Senses (B49);
Doesn't Breathe (Oxygen Absorption) (B49);
Empathy Advantages (P48);
Enhanced Move (B52);
Enhanced Time Sense (B52);
Extra Attack (B53);
Intuition (AKA “The Last”) (B63);
Imbue 3 (Electric Weapon only , Additional Effect: Extra damage is considered “Aggravated”) (PU1 p7);
Lifting ST (B65);
Luck (B66);
Metabolism Control (B68);
Obscure (Was Arcane & Low-Profile.) (B72);
Regeneration (Improved from Template) (B80);
Sensitive Touch (B83);
Striking ST (Visible electrical discharge, special effect; Additional Effect: Extra damage is considered “Aggravated“) (B88) ;
Super Jump (B89);
Terror (Also Awe, Confusion alternatives) (B93);
Universal Digestion (B95).
This is not a comprehensive or fixed list, but a basic guideline for Quickening Abilities; many more might be appropriate, @GMD. Any number of these associated abilities could additionally benefit from the Costs Fatigue Limitation, therefore justifying Energy Reserves (P119). Normal or increased ST/DX could be allowed to use the Super-Effort enhancement; see Supers p24. Abilities purchased by Level should probably be limited to QL# Levels (@GMD).
Power Modifier: Quickening. The advantage belongs to the Quickening power: This modifier is usually Quickening (+0%), and Magickal (Prime) (+?).
New Perk:
Quickening Knowledge
1 pts
A piece of specific knowledge not encompassed by a specific Skill possessed by a defeated Immortal. Example: current battle plans, social associations; the GM should limit this to relatively narrow bits of information, and might be justified in charging higher point values for broader knowledge.
Quickening Level (QL):
When an Immortal takes the head of another, he gains Quickening CPs (QCP) equal to 10 x defeated's Quickening Level (QL); minimum of 1 QCP. These new CPs must be spent immediately either to take on Traits or Quickening abilities (formerly) possessed by the defeated (at higher point levels than the victor's Trait, if possessed already) or to enhance Quickening abilities already possessed by the victor. QCPs so gained are added to the current total for the purpose of determining the Character's Quickening Level (and so are not ”removed” when spent). When purchasing new Traits with gained QCPs, appropriate Disadvantages and/or Quirks (formerly) possessed by defeated may also be taken to offset the cost of expensive items, as well as Limitations, @GMD. Quickening Level is increased when total QCPs equal New QL² x 10 (QL1=10pts, QL2=40pts, QL3=90pts, QL4=160pts, QL5=250pts, etc.), at which point the next levels of Magick Resistance and Quickening Talent must be purchased (IOU is fine, @GMD).
Gained QCPs may also be spent to “negate” Traits possessed by the victor but not possessed by the defeated, @GMD. Example: If the victor has a phobia that the defeated does not, the victor may absorb the defeated's fearlessness toward the object of that Phobia, reducing the severity or eliminating the Disadvantage. In similar fashion, an existing Advantage may be reduced by absorption of a “negating” Trait, in some instances.
When an Immortal's head is taken, use ”Collateral Damage” (P165) to determine external effects of the Quickening release, using the defeated's QL as a modifier to the roll. I use 2d6, rather than the indicated 3d6, to determine these effects.
An Immortal is living Tass, containing QL/10 Quintessence Points, and radiates Prime. The Quickening is, essentially, equal to Quintessence.